Monday, January 28, 2019

digital PA Matrix and Paging

Suitable for larger areas and across multiple sites. These systems include; audio prioritisation, DSP and the ability to incorporate paging stations. With other features such as ambient noise control, these systems are designed to handle any challenge with ease.

Matrix and Paging digital PA systems work at their best for large public areas (such as Sydney’s Darling Harbour precinct), transport hubs (train stations, airports, bus terminals etc), casinos and other large public venues. These systems also work for multi-site applications across any IT network near or far.

P R O D U C T S I N C L U D E :


  • Audio mixing Audio 
  • Prioritisation Multiple 
  • Audio sources Multiple 
  • Paging stations, from one to hundreds 
  • Suitable for multi-site installations
  • Ambient noise control

Compact Frame

The Compact Frame allows for smaller scale systems with a set of input/output. They offer a fully summing audio matrix with broadcast quality audio. These frames allow remote configuration over the network, have redundant power supplies and are expandable by up to 64 Dante channels.

MF4 Frame

The MF4 series is a modular system with each frame having the capacity to run up to 256 zones. The MF4 includes redundant power supplies and supports analogue, AES, Dante and MADI as well as GPI/O and an API.

Paging Panels

The multi-purpose digitalPA Paging Panels are used for making announcements, listening to audio as well as logic control and offer a fully functional intercom system. Desktop panels and rackmount panels are available

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